Friday, December 31, 2010

Bikini Booty Friday: New Year's Eve Edition

Another Friday and another round of great bikini booties.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Either She's Short or They're Tall

I guessing she's short. Also, for shits & giggles, I'll go 2, 1, 3.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Some Mocha Lovin'

We don't have nearly enough hot black girls on here. That's something that needs to change. Soon.

Summer Girl

Damn right. She's making me miss summer A LOT right now.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Just Show Us Your Face One Time

As smokin' as the rest of your body is, I just know your face is gorgeous. Plus, we'll love you even if it's not!

Let's Go Cowboys!

I'm guessing she's an Oklahoma State fan. I'm guessing a lot of you guys are going to be fans of her!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Taking In Some Sun

Nothing amazing about this pic, but I definitely dig this chick.

Cancun Crowd Pleaser

While on vacation with some friends in Cancun, Mexico,
Sultry Suzanne decided to pose for their cameras in her
new Polka Dot Beach Open Triangle Bikini. Sufficed to say,
it was a real crowd pleaser! Courtesy of Malibu Strings.

Guess Which One I Would Choose

The chick on the right is fine, but her friend is just nails.

Just Lounging While We Bask In Her Hotness

Seriously, that is a crazy hot body. Can't really tell what the face looks like, but with a body like that I'm not real worried.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Looks like Jasmine has finished trimming her tree
and has really gotten into the holiday spirit in her
Red Liquid Metal Bikini! Courtesy of Malibu Strings.

Day After Christmas Hangover

If you are anything like me you are dragging a little bit today. Christmas is so damn hectic at my house that I'm going to need an entire day just to recover. The first step in this recovery process: lots of bikini babes. So sit back and start recovering. Per the norm with my big random pic posts, these pics came from Non Nudes With Big Boobies.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas From Bikini Babe Heaven

I hope your Christmas is merry and booty-ful!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Bikini Booty Friday: The Christmas Eve Edition

As we get ready to celebrate the holiest of holy holidays, lets all give thanks for one of the greatest things God has ever created: sexy asses!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

4 Hotties Poolside

Which one is your favorite? I thinking I'm going 4, 1, 2, 3 from left to right.

Give Peace a Chance

I'm willing to try anything a girl this hot suggests!

Sweet Jesus She's A Hottie

I don't know if I'm supposed to know who she is, but I sure would love to know her personally.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Now There Are A Couple Of Nice Bikini Babes

Nothing like those 2 meanies that flipped us off earlier. These girls actually seem to want to have their picture taken for a bunch of dudes to check out on the interwebs. Good for them for embracing modern technology.

Why Are The Cute Ones So Mean

I mean, we're just trying to stare at your cute, tight young bodies for a little while. That's no reason to flip us the bird. Plus, it's almost Christmas, get in the spirit!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

She's Having Fun In The Sand

I wish I was there with her. We'd build a bitchin' sand castle together and then, well, who knows where the night would take us.

More Michelle Keegan Bikini Pics

So awhile back I posted 3 pics and declared the hottie in the pics the hottest chick I'd ever posted on this blog. Then commenter Tummywarmer educated me (and some of you, I assume) that this hottie was a British soap star named Michelle Keegan.

Honestly, I was a little bummed that she was a celeb and not a "regular" girl off the street. That was until I did a little more searching and found A LOT more bikini pics. I am no longer upset. Hell, I'm downright giddy. So here the rest of the bikini pics I found of Michelle. I'm sure there will be more to come soon enough.